Jul 10, 2010

Tamiya F103

I got a box full of F103 stuff, with enough parts to make at least one (possibly two) F103. The goal is to have one up and running by tomorrow's trophy race at the 'FastCats Depot' race track. (Dufferin & 401 Home Depot, Toronto ON)

It wasn't in as bad a shape as I initially thought it was, and it went together much quicker than expected. The diffs were 75% assembled already, so it was just a matter of putting the spur gear/bearings/wheels onto the axel.

All that was left to do was attach the steering rods to the servo, and install the electronics. Seeing as I won't be racing my M04 tomorrow, I figured I'd borrow the ESC, receiver and motor from it. I also used an oil filled shock from one of my minis, seeing as there wasn't one in the box.

Other than the new rear tires/wheels I'm getting tomorrow , the car is ready to race. The next car to get ready is my M05.


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