Jul 26, 2010

Kyosho Gallop 4WS part 1

While searching the local online classifieds for Kyosho this afternoon, I came across a Kyosho Gallop 4WS for sale in Whitby. After work, I headed out to pick it up. The Gallop is supposed to be a 4WD, 4 wheel steering buggy. I say 'supposed to be', because it looks like this buggy has been neither of those things for a very long time. This car is in such rough shape, I'm not sure if I will bother trying to restore it, if I will keep it as-is, or if I will sell it to someone who is a little more brave than I am in the restoration department. I`ll probably just clean it up as much as I can and shelf it, just so I can say I own a Gallop. :P

This car is in very rough shape. Whatever parts aren't missing, are most likely broken or bent. The front bumper is broken, and the chain is missing. One of the few pluses that came with this buggy is the fact the it`s got a manual/wiper speed control. I`ll most likely it for use in my Turbo Optima.

The front gearbox and differential are missing, and the front of the car looks to be largely held together with some sort of glue/epoxy. The body/roll cage is also missing parts.

I'll post the rest of the pics and a couple of videos tomorrow.

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