Jul 10, 2010

Kyosho Turbo Optima

I've made my first official foray into the vintage R/C world. After seeing my friends newly assembled Tamiya Big Wig a few weeks ago, (it was one of his first R/C cars when we were kids) I was bitten by the vintage bug. I've started looking for cars I either had 25 years ago, or cars I couldn't afford as a little kid. My first vintage purchase is one of the latter.

I picked up this Kyosho Turbo Optima roller today for steal. Here are some pics.
(click for full size)

kyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rc
kyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rc
kyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rc
kyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rc
kyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rckyosho,turbo optima,vintage,r/c,rc

It's in pretty decent shape, the only work it needs to make it go is something in the rear gear box. The chain slips when you try to drive the rear wheels by turning the front wheels. I'll probably also look for a new/unpainted body for it, so I can paint it to look like it does on the box.

1 comment:

brian said...

I had this car and I remember always having problems with the differential gear withthe 4x4 system. I changed mine out to a belt drive and had less problems. Have you tried running the motor yet?