Oct 18, 2012

VRC Pro = FUN!

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything, so I thought I might post my newest toy. I bought the latest version of VRC Pro a week and a half ago. This is the first time I've ever tried an RC car simulator, and I must admit, I am very impressed with it! I bought it being a huge skeptic, thinking for sure I would be disappointed by the physics. Was I ever wrong!

I also purchased the VRC USB donggle. You simply plug it in to an open USB slot, and plug the two 'servo' wires into a spare receiver. (the grey box in the pic) I set up a model profile on the transmitter, and now I can control my VRC cars/trucks using my DX3! Last night I raced and chatted with 6 other racers from around the world on a server called "OVERCLOCK RC" It was so much fun racing with other real racers!

 There are also onroad cars/tracks. More than offroad, actually. There's 1/8, 1/10 & 1/12 onroad racing. Both electric & nitro are featured. For offroad there is only 1/10 4WD Short Course racing. From what I understand they plan on adding mnore types of offroad racing in the future. There are several on and offroad tracks available to choose from.
Here I am taking a lap with a 4WD Short Course Truck, on the Mikes Hobby Shop track:

If you ever see an online session called TSanRC.com, drop in for some racing!

[/Tim Sanderson]

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