Jun 4, 2012

Tire Salavging (Semi) Fail

You've heard of the 'Acetone' method for removing tires from wheels. I'm also sure you've heard of the 'Oven' method. Well, not wanting to stink up my house by baking tires off of their wheels, I decided to try out my own method: The 'BBQ the Rubber Off of the Wheels' method.
I heated up the barbecue for 15 minutes. I wrapped up both sets of wheels/tires in foil, (one set of front, one set of rear) and dropped them onto the grille. I probably should have turned off the burners, but instead laid the tires down with the fire burning strong.
The result: The front tires came off of the wheels like a charm. They practically fell right off. The rear tires were another story:

I guess I had them too close to the burner. When I opened the foil, the tires practically poured on to the floor.  Melted to the max! It's a good thing I had them wrapped, or else all that rubber would have made a mess of the barbecue. It'll take a bit more experimenting, but I am positive I can master the BBQ method.

[/Tim Sanderson]

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