The ebay fairy made a visit again yesterday, and stuck this under my pillow. Although the majority of it seems to be from a Kyosho Ultima II, much of it seems to be from other cars. From the Ultima II, I think we have the chassis, upper plate, gear box, suspension arms, rear shocks (?) and rear shock tower(?).

The front shocks appear to be from a Traxxas Radicator. (thanks Wes/losiXXXman;)
After removing the upper deck, we can get a better look at the steering setup. The RC10 steering assembly would explain why the car has such a wacky steering servo placement. Because it is backwards from an Ultima, (link attaches to the left side, instead of on the right) the servo was mounted upside down so the link can attach to the bell crank. The chassis is made of 'Kelron'. It's written in between the battery frames/slots. There is a ton of flex in this material... it's basically just a piece of plastic. Most of the rigidity comes from the plastic upper plate. A previous owner had mounted the front shocks upside down. Because of this, when the shocks arms fully extend/droop, a strain is put on the shock caps. The caps aren't broken, but the threads are a bit stripped, and have trouble staying on the shocks. I'll be turning them right-side round. Hopefully I can salvage the caps, otherwise I'll have to come up with a replacement.
After removing the upper deck, we can get a better look at the steering setup. The RC10 steering assembly would explain why the car has such a wacky steering servo placement. Because it is backwards from an Ultima, (link attaches to the left side, instead of on the right) the servo was mounted upside down so the link can attach to the bell crank. The chassis is made of 'Kelron'. It's written in between the battery frames/slots. There is a ton of flex in this material... it's basically just a piece of plastic. Most of the rigidity comes from the plastic upper plate. A previous owner had mounted the front shocks upside down. Because of this, when the shocks arms fully extend/droop, a strain is put on the shock caps. The caps aren't broken, but the threads are a bit stripped, and have trouble staying on the shocks. I'll be turning them right-side round. Hopefully I can salvage the caps, otherwise I'll have to come up with a replacement.

It came with a Novak 410-MXC esc. I haven't tested it out yet, but it doesn't smell burnt or melted. My Buddy Jeff Eveleigh (xxxmain on, and fellow newly addicted vintage rc buff, tells me this is a pretty nice bit of gear. Because I am probably going to incorporate modern electronics in this runner project, this esc will be making it's way into my more period correct Ultima project. The motor is a modified Yokomo motor, but i have no idea which model, of any specs on it. Jeff also told me the plain silver can is odd for a Yokomo motor. Maybe when I remove the motor there might be some sort of clue to what it is. The gears and gearbox seems to spin nice and free, however the external gears look a bit ratty. I might look into a more conventional 3 gear gearbox, maybe something from a later Ultima. I think I have an extra RB5 gearbox kicking around here, somewhere. I plan on putting a 13.5 or equivalent brushless setup into this, so I'd like something I could replace the gears on a little more easily.

The front shock tower looks like it's from a team Losi JRX2

The back shocks I wasn't sure of, but Jeff was pretty sure they were from Kyosho. Either the rear shock tower is very tall, or the shocks are very short. The bottom collar thingy is also from an RC10.

The back tires are Team Associated T.Q 20's, I'm not sure what the front ones are... maybe Schumacher? All they say on the side are RP 927. The back tires are in fairly decent shape. Unfortunately the front ones have had many spike trimmed off, and the spikes that are there are quite worn down. A 2nd set of tires/wheels came with the car. The rears are paddle-style tires (possibly Duratrax?) on HPI rims. The Front's are Schumacher C.A.T. tires, mounted on what look to be dyed ProLine wheels. Both sets of tires are in pretty good shape.

[/Tim Sanderson]
Tim - That car truly is a mish mash of parts. The Front shock tower IS a Losi JRX Pro SE. I've been thinking of using one on my Ultima. Now that I see how good it looks, I think I will. Sounds like you already know, but any of the jrx series front towers will go on the Ultima. Jrx2, JrxPro/T, Pro se, LXT, GTX, NXT... think that's all. Matter of fact the stock Ultima Pro/proXL front tower and the Jrx2 tower look almost identical.
Cool. Thanks for the info, Wes. :)
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