Nov 7, 2011

Speed World, Nov 6 2011

Don't this month's simple-looking layout fool you. This layout pretty much gave everybody a hard time. The strait-a-way and the double-double whoops after coming off the wall proved to be a difficult (and sometimes deadly) combination. I think my fastest was a 12.7, but I know some of the faster guys where hitting somewhere in the 11's.
Also, I forgot to mention to Steve Mitchell that, unless he turned a faster lap in his main, my 12.7 in-race laptime was faster that his 12.8 laptime. :P (P.S. I'm just teasing Steve. I'm just trying to make myself feel better after being out qualified and beaten by him all day) I had a very tough time with my qualifiers, and didn't finish a single one. I fried a spur gear, and had to change my ESC before the main. I finally found some what of a rythym during my main, and managed to turn one second shy of 27 laps.

I managed to record the 2WD A-main yesterday, at Ferraro Super Quads / Speed World in Hamilton, Ontario. Steve Dziuban was a good contender for the lead, until he lost a wheel during the last minute or so. Like usual, Dave Lyons took it in the end like a champ. (He also won the A-main)
2WD A-Main:

I've also embedded a couple of videos recorded by Michael/TracktionRC:
2WD B-main: (BTW, that's me in the the blue t-shirt, marshaling like a super-star)

Short Course A-Main:

Martin/M76 has uploaded a video he recorded on his cellphone too. It's not very good quality, but it's still great to be able to post.
4x4 SCT A-main:

I'd also like to give a big thank you to Michael for giving me a lift to the race/swap meet yesterday. If not for that, I'd never have been able to unload as much stuff as I did at the swap meet. Also, I'm looking forward to making it out to Hot Rod's with Mike on Thursday for a little more racing. Thanks, buddy!
[/Tim Sanderson]


Anonymous said...

Hey hey hey!

Where's this indoor offroad stuff happening at over winter? Looks awesome!

Tim Sanderson said...

There are two indoor carpet offroad tracks in Hamilton. This one is called Ferraro Speed World. The other is Hot Rod Hobbies. You can find them both on