Jun 21, 2011

Tamiya M05

Here are a few pics of the M05 before I tore it apart. As you can see it is quite dirty. Many of the moving parts are a little stiff to move. (steering rack, suspension arms etc)

This chassis came with a whole bunch of goodies, including CVD's, TRF threaded shocks, and aluminum uprights/knuckles. What you can't see is the ball diff inside the gearbox.

Here are most of the extra parts that came with the car. The LRP esc that is in the box is most likely fried... it was used in a TCS race as it rained. there are however tons of other great parts in there. There are also a bunch of M03parts in there. Between these parts, and the 2 parts cars I already had, I can probably get a couple of M03's made.

[/Tim Sanderson]

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